Priest: Let us pray to the Lord.
People: Lord, have mercy.
Priest: Lord God, the creator of all and the designer of the human race, You created us in Your image and in the likeness of Your Trinitarian life. As You exist as three persons, but live one Divine life we too were created to live a life as one people, in peace and harmony. However, we drifted away from this calling and gave into selfishness and discord, in the example of Cain’s sin of fratricide We started arguments, divisions and wars among ourselves. Still, You did not leave us, but sent your only begotten Son so that we might once again be united to You. He taught us that we must forgive seventy-times-seven times, and He gave His life that might all be one. Heavenly Father, send Your Holy Spirit upon us, the Spirit of peace and harmony, that we, gathered here in Your Name would show good-will and mercy, and forgive one another as You forgave us through Your Son Jesus Christ.
As You glorified Saints Borys and Hlib for their refusal to take up arms against their brother, also remove from our hearts any anger and desire for vengeance. Open our hearts, Lord, and fill them with the spirit of forgiveness, peace and love.
For You are the God of peace and true love, and we give glory to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now, always and forever and ever.
People: Amen.
(The Priest stands on the solea, or before the tetrapod and turns to the people. If there are Altar Servers, they stand with the people, who are facing the Priest(s). The Priest makes a profound bow before the people, and remaining on his knees, says:)
Priest: Bless me Brothers and Sisters and forgive me a sinner, for I have sinned this day and all the days of my life, by word, act, thought and with all my senses.
People: (still standing, respond) May God forgive you and have mercy on you, our spiritual Father. We forgive you.
Priest: Forgive me, Brothers and Sisters, if I have offended you by my words or conduct.
People: May God forgive you and have mercy on you, Spiritual Father. We forgive you.
Priest: Forgive me Brothers and Sisters if I have not fulfilled all my obligations toward you, through forgetfulness or carelessness.
People: May God forgive you and have mercy on you, spiritual Father. We forgive you.
Priest: Forgive me, Brothers and Sisters, and all my fellow members of the clergy for everything, if we have sinned against you in any way.
People: May God forgive you and have mercy on you. We forgive you.
(The Priest stands and the people make a profound bow before him, and remaining on their knees say:)
People: Bless me, Dear Father, and forgive me a sinner, for I have sinned. this day and all the days of my life, by word, act, thought and with all my senses.
Priest: May God, by His grace, forgive you your sins and have mercy on you. I forgive you.
People: Bless me, Father, and forgive me a sinner, if I have not fulfilled my obligations to you, because of forgetfulness or lack of caring.
Priest: May God, by His grace, forgive you your sins and have mercy on you. I forgive you.
People: Bless me, Father, and forgive me a sinner, if I have spread disunity, made your work burdensome or was a hinderance to the outpouring of Divine Grace in our Parish family.
Priest: May God, by His grace, forgive you your sins and have mercy on you. I forgive you.
(All rise)
Priest: How good and pleasing it is when brothers and sisters live in harmony. So now it is still necessary that you would all forgive one another. Let all those on the right-hand side turn and face those o the left. and those on the left face those on the right. Look well, Brothers and Sisters. Is there not someone here with whom you should personally make peace with? Let us now, all together, forgive one another.
People: Pray for me Brothers and Sisters, and forgive me a sinner, for I have sinned against you by word, act and thought. Let there be no anger among us.
(then everyone responds)
People: May God forgive you and have mercy on you, Brothers and Sisters. I forgive you.
This annual ceremony does not substitute for the Holy Sacrament of Penance but may serve as it prepares to celebrate the Resurrection of Our All-forgiving Lord, Jesus Christ.