This examination of conscience is taken from The Catholic Family Book of Prayers.
This brief examination of conscience, loosely based on the Ten Commandments.
Have I made anything more important than God: myself, others, money, things I own, things I want, ideas, activities, or goals? Have I set aside time to pray to God every day?
Have I acted pridefully, as if I know everything, am better than others, or don’t need God or others?
Have I used God’s name in a bad way? Have my words hurt God, his Church, or the good he wants for all people?
Have my words and actions given glory to God’s name? Have I shared my faith with those who do not know God?
Have I gone to Divine Liturgy when I should? Have I fully shared in the celebration of Divine Liturgy? Have I listened to the Word of God and the homily? Have I received the Eucharist reverently? Have I spent my Sundays in prayer, rest, service, and family time?
Have I given love and respect to my father and mother? Have I obeyed them? Have I tried to help them without being asked? Have I whined, complained, nagged, or otherwise been difficult toward them? Have I been loving and respectful to my brothers and sisters?
Parents: Have I shown love and respect to my children? Have I been patient and kind? Have I disciplined my children with love, and in ways that help them become the people God wants them to be?
Have I been a good citizen? Have my words and actions strengthened my community, or harmed it?
Have I hurt others, with my hands or my words? Have I given support or encouragement to those who hurt others? Have I excluded others, or treated others with less than the respect they deserve as children of God? Have I held onto anger or hatred toward others? Have I refused to forgive others?
Have I respected my body? Have I given my body what it needs to be strong and healthy? Have I viewed pornography, engaged in sexual acts outside of marriage, or otherwise offended human dignity for my own pleasure?
Have I taken what does not belong to me? Have I wasted time or resources? Have I used my talents and resources to help those in need? Have I let others borrow my possessions for good reason? Have I done my work well? Have I contributed to the good of others through my work? Have I done my chores and schoolwork as best I can, with a good attitude?
Have I always told the truth to myself, God, and others? Have I gossiped, or shared information I shouldn’t have?
Have I been grateful for what I have, or greedy to have what others have? Have I been generous with my time and possessions? Have I given away what I do not need?