Glory to Jesus Christ!
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Today we celebrate the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Saint Anna. Anna conceives Mary, and the Lord protects Mary from original sin. In Anna’s womb, a miracle occurs—the heavenly unites with the earthly.
What made Joachim and Anna worthy of such a great honor? They were childless, and in Jewish culture, childlessness was often seen as a lack of God’s blessing. They were avoided and even judged by others. Yet Joachim and Anna did not lose hope. They did not complain but prayed with faith and trust, fasted, and patiently awaited God’s answer. Their lives became an example of how important it is to remain faithful to God even in times of trial.
Today, their example speaks to each of us. We also face challenges in our lives: family problems, difficulties in relationships with friends or at work or health issues… Now, as part of the great Ukrainian nation, we are all experiencing an especially difficult time of war. Daily fears, anxieties for loved ones, the pain of loss, and the uncertainty of the future test our faith and endurance. Often, we seek quick solutions, and when we do not find them, we may complain, lose hope, or fall into despair.
In such moments, it is especially important to remember: there is a way out, and that way is in God. Confession and prayer are the doors through which we approach the Lord in our struggles. Confession purifies the heart from sin, restores peace to the soul, and renews our relationship with God. Through prayer, we turn to Him as a loving Father who is always ready to listen, help, and support.
Another important spiritual tool revealed to us by Joachim and Anna is fasting. Fasting is not just about abstaining from food; it is a time to focus on God, an opportunity to open our hearts to Him and renounce anything that separates us from Him. It is our sacrifice, which we can offer for peace, for Ukraine, for our soldiers, and for all who suffer.
Dear brothers and sisters, let us not postpone our encounter with God. Let us find time for a good confession. Let us open our hearts to Him, entrusting all our fears, anxieties, and concerns to Him.
Joachim and Anna bear witness to us today: “Do not give up! The Lord is good. Pray, fast, call upon Him, and He will come to your aid.” Their steadfast faith led to a great miracle, and our faith is also capable of the same.
Let us pray for victory and peace in Ukraine, for everyone who needs God’s grace. May the Lord bless us and fill our hearts with joy, peace, and hope!